Paola Ligabue Consulting

Any company wishing to approach the international marketplace today requires specific, expert advice, reliable partners, and winning strategies and must also comply with stringent regulations.

Over the years I have become a real point of reference for many companies wishing to enter the Italian market or import Italian goods overseas, to meet the most suited business partners, to overcome the great challenges and seemingly mind-blowing red tape involved, and to build up profitable, lasting relationships that go well beyond international borders.

Paola Ligabue


Paola Ligabue

I was born in 1955 in the very centre of Reggio Emilia, a typical city in one of Italy’s most fertile, productive and innovative regions. From a very young age, I nurtured a true passion for foreign languages, not realising to what extent this would shape my life and career.

After high school, I worked in the family business and at the same time studied languages (English, French and German) at night school. I then worked for a short period as an export sales clerk and , in 1979, I set up my own consultancy firm, offering translation services to the many companies in Reggio Emilia and further afield. The solid relationships I built up with my customers soon led me to offer them yet another service, namely the selection and research of personnel.

In 1990 I began collaborating with the Studio of D. Grosser and Associates of New York, to support Italian companies wishing to export foods and wines of excellence to North America.

With my positive and open-minded attitude, my excellent knowledge of 4 languages and different cultures, my empathy, experience, extensive network of contacts and my great love for my homeland, my mission is to promote the excellence of Made in Italy throughout the world.

Other activities and personal commitments

In addition to being an active member of several national and European associations that promote trade, since 2013 I have been very much involved in EWMD, the European Women’s Management Development International Network, of which I am co-founder of the Reggio Emilia branch and Co-Chairwoman at international level since 2019.

The services I offer to companies and professionals focus on:

The Food&Beverage sector

My customers draw on my vast experience in the sector and profound knowledge of all aspects involved in the exportation/importation of such products, especially regulations on food safety, labelling, and approval by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for Italian companies who export to the US market: these regulations are extremely strict and the slightest irregularity can lead to products being included in black lists with the consequent ban on exportation/importation, additional customs charges, and even seizure or destruction of the products.

Together with my American partner based in the US, I can assist you step-by-step to ensure that you avoid any consequences that might ensue from incorrect labelling, in particular:

Human Resouces

I have dealt with the recruitment of personnel for over 30 years and now collaborate with Francesca Bonomo of the recruitment agency Todotoday Srl, focusing on companies in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena. For foreign companies we can offer the same recruitment service also in other parts of Northern Italy.

Together, we take care of the entire recruitment procedure including any red tape involved for a more streamlined and faster process to find exactly the right person for the right job.


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42124 Reggio Emilia – Italy


P.Iva 02717780353


cell. +39 348 2218493

Skype: paolaligabue

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